Sunday, June 17, 2007

Late Night Movie

Last night, Candace, Hope, Kezzi, and I all went over to Grandma & Grandpa's to visit. Well, actually, Candace was over there first and then Hope and I went over to join the party (cause we know that wherever Candace is, there the party will be also) :). Turned out that Candace had borrowed a movie, THE movie 'Patriot' to be exact, and was planning on watching it with Grandpa. So Hope and I decided not to miss out and, of course, when Kezzi heard we were watching a movie, she came prancing over as fast as her short legs would allow. We finally stopped visiting at around 11:00pm and snuggled in downstairs, Grandpa in HIS (and no one else's) armchair ;), and us girls scattered around with blankets and yummy snacks provided by Grandma, who doesn't like watching hard war movies but loves to run around and feed us!! ;)

Anyway, I was reminded again of why I like the Patriot so much. Last time I watched it I was a few years younger and I didn't understand as much as I did this time. I will admit, it's very hard and emotional (I cried, of course), but it has such a beautiful meaning behind it that I'd never caught before. I used to think it was a movie about revenge - the good guy kills the bad guy to pay him back for all the bad things he did. But it's not. Instead it's about motivation and understanding what drives you. At first, Benjamin Martin acts in fear of losing his family or his family losing him but then starts realizing that he's really not in control of that. No matter what he does, danger will come to him and his family. He slowly realizes that he cannot act based on what might happen or what he wants to happen. He must act based on what is good and right and true, which, in his case, was helping secure the freedom of the United States. (And since killing the bad guy happens to help in the cause, it just makes the movie that much better.) :)


Strider said...

I feel so bad for you cause no one left a comment on this post. I hate it when that happens to me. And your sister is getting all the dare she! So anyway, I thought I leave you a comment to make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Thought I'd leave a comment-


Esther said...

I love the marvelous people who run around and feed everyone; we need more of those people in the world.

Candace is definitely the most gregarious and extroverted in your family. Her life-of-the-party reputation has followed her into blogger, so it is only natural that your friends 'hang out' on her blog.

I don't feel sorry for you since you do get to be the boss and everyone listens to you.

I guess I expect the oldest to end up the leader. I'm still trying to figure out how you ended up with all the power.

I remember Candace complaining and always laugh thinking about you telling Candace, "Everyone likes you just as much as me; they just respect me more." So funny. (I'm sure you didn't mean it to sound as if people didn't respect her, since it was said in a very mothering voice.)Yeah, anyway that memory is always good for a laugh.


Anonymous said...

Man you haven't posted for awhile either. go over to and listen to amazing music!

Anonymous said...

about your comment...

Yeah I really hate looking for views in movies. the thing in those two was, it kept coming at me so I couldn't ignore it. I mean in Equilibrium, The "Father" was evil, his "Clerics" were evil... I would rather enjoy the movie. I usually do. Just not this time.