Monday, May 21, 2007

Life On Oak Hill

My Aunt Lori now has a blog and she's keeping busy posting about all the happenings over on their side of the hill. Be sure to stop by here and leave lots of comments!! (I'll leave it up to each of you to decide whether to be obnoxious or not.)
There's sure to be some interesting posts going on over there!! They're a great bunch of family and the coolest people you'll ever meet!!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday Night Fun

Hey folks! Tonight we have a friend over to spend the night and since there's already four of us sisters... when we invite another girl over, it's an automatic party! We've been having lots of fun playing guitar (that would be Tristan and Kezzi), singing, and just having a good ol' time. Right now I am home sitting with the sleeping younger kids while the rest of the girls went to get some goodies for our movie time. Just thought I'd snatch this minute to post. :)
I've been doing quite well lately. I'm realizing that this time of my life is filled with evidence of the Lord's faithfulness. He has really been opening my eyes to see just how much I'm blessed. I still struggle quite a bit with keeping totally focused on Him and being content but I know the Lord is blessing me with a time of peace and I need to be grateful for it while walking through it. I realize it won't be this way forever.
Another blessing is the beautiful weather we've been having. I love the beginnings of summer when it's not too terribly hot but warm enough to get some sun. We've been outside quite a bit planning new flower gardens and even building a new patio area complete with a small water fountain and a fire pit. Along with the new improved chicken house, our property is looking more country"ish" and homey. I like it. :) It makes me feel even more like a country girl. ;)
I know this sounds realaxing and all, but like I said in my last post... I HAVE been busy!! :) My main concern, as of last night's meeting for this subject, is getting in order what I need for my mission trip to Kenya. We practiced using the story cloth last night and I'm afraid I stumbled through it a bit. The stories are all the ones I grew up on, but I realized that I need to work on my storytelling skills! :) I also need to start getting a passport, shots, and 'fun' stuff like that.
Well, the girls are back so... let the party begin!! ;)

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Busyness (not Business)

Ok, definitely time to post again. I'm really busy right now... or at least it really feels like I'm busy. I was just bellyachin' the other night about how much I have to think about. I've got work, trying to make sure I'm doing my part at home, dance recital coming up Friday, drawing for my fourth book, another trip to Missouri to plan for, a mission trip to try to raise money for, the list goes on. I'm really feeling the Lord testing me in how much and how often I'll lay it all at His feet. I found myself slacking on my quiet time, like not even doing it, and kind of getting in selfish brat mode. But since I've been making it priority again, which was a few days ago, I've been feeling His amazing peace flood over me and realizing (yet again) that if I give it to God, I don't have to take so much on myself.

Anyway, we have recital coming up Friday and I'm pretty nervous about it. Ususally I'm not at all nervous about recital since HiStory performances are our main focus but for one thing, my first dance I've choreographed will be performed there and for another, I just learned the dances about 3 weeks ago!!

I've also been working lots on my fourth book. I have two pictures almost finished and I'm finding out that I've gotten faster than I used to be. If I wasn't doing anything else besides working in the mornings, I could do half a picture every afternoon... which means a picture every two days (do the math, it's true).

Oh yeah, and I went to see Spiderman 3 on opening night!! Candace and I went and since the movie started at seven, we had to buy tickets at four that afternoon. We had the tickets, but then we didn't get there early enough so it was REALLY crowded and Candace and I didn't even get to sit next to each other. I kept wanting to lean over and make comments but stopped myself when I realized that was a strange guy sitting next to me, not Candace. (No, they didn't look alike.) :) The movie was pretty awesome, considering I didn't even see the first one. Very action packed but with a good plot too.

The other day, Candace announced in all seriousness that she was going into town to get kidnapped.
Don't worry, the movie store didn't have it... Of course, we had fun with that one. "Ha ha, Candace is going to get kidnapped!" Yeah, I know, lame. We all thought it was pretty funny though.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Candy Blogs

Candace has now entered the wonderful world of blogging! Visit her HERE and leave lots of obnoxious comments!!