Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Busyness (not Business)

Ok, definitely time to post again. I'm really busy right now... or at least it really feels like I'm busy. I was just bellyachin' the other night about how much I have to think about. I've got work, trying to make sure I'm doing my part at home, dance recital coming up Friday, drawing for my fourth book, another trip to Missouri to plan for, a mission trip to try to raise money for, the list goes on. I'm really feeling the Lord testing me in how much and how often I'll lay it all at His feet. I found myself slacking on my quiet time, like not even doing it, and kind of getting in selfish brat mode. But since I've been making it priority again, which was a few days ago, I've been feeling His amazing peace flood over me and realizing (yet again) that if I give it to God, I don't have to take so much on myself.

Anyway, we have recital coming up Friday and I'm pretty nervous about it. Ususally I'm not at all nervous about recital since HiStory performances are our main focus but for one thing, my first dance I've choreographed will be performed there and for another, I just learned the dances about 3 weeks ago!!

I've also been working lots on my fourth book. I have two pictures almost finished and I'm finding out that I've gotten faster than I used to be. If I wasn't doing anything else besides working in the mornings, I could do half a picture every afternoon... which means a picture every two days (do the math, it's true).

Oh yeah, and I went to see Spiderman 3 on opening night!! Candace and I went and since the movie started at seven, we had to buy tickets at four that afternoon. We had the tickets, but then we didn't get there early enough so it was REALLY crowded and Candace and I didn't even get to sit next to each other. I kept wanting to lean over and make comments but stopped myself when I realized that was a strange guy sitting next to me, not Candace. (No, they didn't look alike.) :) The movie was pretty awesome, considering I didn't even see the first one. Very action packed but with a good plot too.

The other day, Candace announced in all seriousness that she was going into town to get kidnapped.
Don't worry, the movie store didn't have it... Of course, we had fun with that one. "Ha ha, Candace is going to get kidnapped!" Yeah, I know, lame. We all thought it was pretty funny though.


Strider said...

Have you ever seen Kidnapped? I saw the last 30 minutes of it on TV one night. It's looked okay. Probably not as action-packed or as well made as Spideyman 3, but...

Esther said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Esther said...

Dear Miss Priss,*

Spiderman 3 was awesome. Saturday we all crowded into one of the lower rows of the mega screen of the Cleveland theater.

I hated how egotistical Spiderman was. I've never cared for guys who are stuck on themselves. What did you think about the emo-looking Peter Parker.

Some of our group had already seen the movie opening night and mentioned that the theater crowd was a lot more fun: everyone yelled and booed in the exciting and sad places. Was the place more exciting or feverish?

Call me sometime and we can attempt to pretend that we are good at playing tennis.

Sincerely, Esther*

*Since I wrote a letter instead of a short comment I decided I should include a formal salutation and a decorous closing. (Really it's just for the oddness of it. It's weird--I enjoy being weird.)

Priscilla said...

Yes we saw it a few times a while ago and really liked it. Yeah, doesn't quite beat Spiderman tho. :)

Dear Esther,
I shall also make an attempt at being formal though I am very much afraid that I shall fail drastically. In fact, forget it... :)

Yeah, I didn't like his attitude either. Arrogance just doesn't become Peter Parker (arrogance looks good on very few people) :). Though I will say I thought his punk attitude was pretty funny. I think my favorite part was when he started tossing his hair like a skateboarder dude. :) I don't think the theater crowd was all that energetic but maybe I was just too engrossed in the action to notice. I was gripping my chair way too hard the entire time and even realized at one point that I was squeezing my arm so hard that it was making a mark. I didn't admit this in my post but I actually cried during the movie too. I guess I'm becoming a softie in my old age. ;)

Yes, we should try to play tennis again... no matter how feeble our efforts. Practice and a little chat time makes perfect, right?

Okay so now I've written you a letter back. But since I've decided not to be formal I will leave no fancy signature. See ya later. :)

<>< Victor ><> said...

Wow, you should watch the first Spidey movie too to get the full picture. It is actually quite moving, even the Green Goblin storyline...

Spidey 3 definitely kicked some tail in terms of action sequences and special effects. I was a little disappointed about the way our hero kissed Gwen Stacy (if you see the first movie, you will understand why that upset MJ so much), but I guess we can blame the black suit for that...

(In the comic books, Spiderman accidentally kills Gwen when he catches her from a freefall with his web and it snaps her neck :-P)

Hey, lemme know when y'all are watching another movie!! To me, 90% of the fun of going to the theatre is the company you have with ya...maybe we can get a group to go see Pirates 3 or the new Fantastic Four...

zach caddy said...

I thought it was funny. I really, really need to see this movie...

Priscilla said...

Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with Peter Parker himself. I guess his egotistical attitude and the Gwen incident WAS probably the black suit's doing. I think you were supposed to be mad at him about it so that you'd hate the black suit "thing" even worse.

Yeah, I need to see #1. Candace basically told me the entire story of it on the way to see #3, so I didn't have many questions about it.

Okay, we'll have to take you up on the offer of getting a group together to see a movie sometime. We're pretty excited about Pirates 3 coming soon!

zach caddy said...

We need to spoof some movie... Do you still have the Chronicles of Narnia script? Or did I imagine that? Who knows...

Esther said...

Oh, you guys aren't trying to hide the spoilers. In that case I will vehemently rejoin this discussion-i.e. vent. (I'm way too obsessed with these super-hero type movies Lol.)

Peter Parker/Spiderman was an jerk even before venom (The black suit)took him over.

All he would talk about was himself when Mary Jane was trying to convey her insecurity about her singing gig; He turned every statement she said into something about himself.

Did you notice how he pretended to take a picture of M.J. and instead was taking a picture of a Spiderman banner. Grrr.

Venom had not yet climbed onto his suit at the ceremony where Gwen gave him a kiss--at his insistence because, "The crowd will love it".

BTW I desperately wanted to hate Gwen, but she was actually sweet. She was oblivious to the fact that Spiderman was using her to feed his ego, and only realized at the end that Peter was using her to humiliate Mary Jane.

Venom didn't even try to merge with Peter until he fell asleep after discovering that his uncles killer was still loose. The first time Spiderman wore the black suit was to fight Marco/Sandman in the sewer.

Uh, I wasn't joking about being too involved in the Spiderman movies. Whats pathetic is I could wright more about venom (standing for revenge) taking over your life, and cite "In the comic such-in-such ended differently."

I am becoming a comic book geek. Run in terror lest it betake you also.
