Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Passover and Daily Happenings

Yes, it's been a while since I posted last and I'm sorry to anyone who got tired of visiting my blog and seeing the same old picture and post up for so long. Even though it is a purty car. :)

Last Saturday I spent almost 6 hours hanging out with a very good friend of mine driving around to all kinds of interesting places in our small town including Wal-Mart, Steak & Shake, our local coffee shop, a small local restaurant, two movie rental places, and a creepy dirt road right outside of town (for fun). All in all we had a great time.

Sunday was church and a lazy afternoon then Monday night we celebrated Passover. We had our traditional Passover meal here at home consisting of unleavened bread, lamb roast, spinach dip, a delicious cole slaw, and baked (sweet) potatoes. We celebrate the Passover not because we are Jewish, as some would presume, but in remembrance of what Jesus did on the cross to fulfill the Passover Feast. When we talk about how the Israelites had to use the blood of a pure spotless lamb on their doorposts to protect them from the Angel of Death, we remember that Jesus was the ultimate pure sacrifice and that dwelling under His blood covenant is a constant place for us to find comfort and safety.

Today, was not very unusual except that we went to the mountain lake for a swim this afternoon. Unfortunately, not much swimming went on since the water turned out much too cold. I did, however, get a bit of a sunburn and a short nap on the sand. Very pleasant (the nap not the sunburn). This evening, we went to see the Becks in their new (becoming not so new) house. Dad brought a rope and in no time was giving rides on a brand new tire swing.

Anyway, that's what has been going on in my life. It hasn't been the most interesting couple of weeks but my goal is to just sit back, enjoy what God brings, and in the meantime post about it, as boring as it may be. :)


<>< Victor ><> said...

Sounds like my kind of fun! Keep on writing (boring as it may seem to you) and I will keep on reading. By the way, love the new car. Here's a piece of advice: treat your car as you treat your friends, "rolling with it 'till the wheels fall off"! ;-)

Have a great week. Just wanted to stop by and say hi to the fam! I hope you all had a great Easter on the distant "Grandparentlands"!

Victor (the goofy guy from church)

Priscilla said...

Hi Victor,
Thanks for commenting and for the advice. I plan on taking such good care of my car that the wheels NEVER fall off! :) (My sisters complain that I'm too paranoid about keeping it clean.)

Yes, we had a great Easter but were a little tired out from the LONG walk over. ;) Hope your Easter was a great one as well.