Tuesday, April 24, 2007

On the Road...

I am sitting here in my car typing on the laptop (don't worry Mom's driving) while riding to Missouri. We are going to see our friends for the week and we're going to be VERY busy while there. So... I just thought it would be fun to post while on the road since I won't be able to for a while. Maybe I'll write about our stay when I get back to my 'beautimous' homeland. It's been a very nice trip so far except for the fact that I don't feel very well with a sore throat and a head cold. We plan on stopping for the night and finishing our trip in the morning. To my Missouri friends: Can't wait to see you soon! :)


Lisa said...

Maybe tomorrow you could do a little more driving and a little less typing! Spoken by the one who drove 7 hours straight today.:)

Priscilla said...

Haha. Maybe I will but you should feel proud to be driving such a gorgeous car halfway across country! :P

Anonymous said...

You two are a mess!!!! Can't wait to see you! (even though I have to, right?)

zach caddy said...

So is the cold bad? Like, bad enough you might not wanna go to the creek this evening?

<>< Victor ><> said...

You should try typing and driving at the same time...it's fun!

This reminds of my old manual-transmission Corolla, where I'd often eat a sandwich with one hand, hold the cell phone with the other, shift with my elbow, and steer with my knees. Good times...

ATTENTION KIDS: Do not attempt the manuevers described in the paragraph above. They were performed by a professional and are extremely dangerous (besides, the "professional" carried the stunt for only about 10 seconds)