Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Solution To Boring Blog Posts
Today was quite eventful. I got up at 6am to go on a 4 hr. bicycle ride with a guy with a mohawk, a girl who used to be a famous actress, and this little kid who acts about 22. Yeah, they're some of my best friends. We started out going up a mtn road and then we came to a lake where we leisurely swam for a while and soaked in some sun. While on the way back, Joe (the mohawk guy) fell off his bike and started rolling down the mountain. The little kid, Danny, jumped off his bike and somehow or another managed to save Joe from certain death. Joe was hospitalized but is home tonight safe and sound, except for a broken leg. The rest of the day was spent repelling (without Joe of course), being nearly eaten by 2 crocodiles, riding in a helicopter, eating new and interesting foods, going to a concert, meeting the band, and turning down 4 marrage proposals. Yep, all in a day's work.
Ha... yeah right. I'm going to bed now so that I can start my day tomorrow. What am I going to be doing? Just take a guess.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Back to Work

I've been working for Dad off and on even while I was sick a little bit but now I'm doing two full-fledge jobs. So I got there and everything was the same as it was when I took a doctor's leave last month. Funny how things don't change without me around. ;) Cracker Barrel is a lot different than Kezzi's job at Steak & Shake in that we're always a lot busier. Kezzi gets time to hang around, talk, and discuss things whereas I have to spend ALL of my time bustling around with trays of food. So I've been thinking, how can I be a light to these people I work with day in and day out if I never get time to talk with them besides passing words? Then it kind of hit me one day when the girl who trained me, April, corrected another lady for cussing in front of me. I thought, ok I've never really had the chance to tell April much about me but somehow she knows I don't cuss and am different from the other girls who work here. (This does not mean that everyone avoids cussing around me... by no means) ;) So I realized all of a sudden that I don't have to SAY anything to be a light. Not that I don't try for chances to share my faith verbally with my co-workers but even more than my words, my actions are being watched and people somehow know that I am different by the way I treat others and in the way I work cheerfully (hopefully) :). So the Lord brought peace to my mind. I don't have to stress about not getting time to be a light. It is a constant thing, we are always influencing the people we are around whether we speak or not. It is a weight off my mind but at the same time it is a great responsibility. People watch you. They scrutinize you. It's just what people do. It's our job as Christians to remember that and try to humbly point them toward Christ as the only perfect being who will live up to their expectations.
Thus ends Priscilla's thoughts for the evening. Good night.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
That Sunday we went on a long hike up a nearby mountain with a LOT of kids. I will never forget it. It was SO much fun just walking along listening to all of them talk to each other and laugh. They are definitely the toughest kids I have ever met. Some of them were barefoot and those trails were covered in sharp rocks! The next day, Monday, we walked around the community witnessing. We only made it to two houses, they don't live in close neighborhoods out there, :) but at those two places we were able to witness two people accept the Lord into their lives!!! It was amazing! That was our last day there and our goodbye to the children was full of tears. The next day we got to drive around a game reserve which was SO COOL!!! We saw giraffes, zebras, flamingos, water buffalo, lots of birds, gazelles, and... lions!!! Apparently you're pretty lucky if you get to see a lion there and we saw TWO!!! A male and a female. We even drove off the path and got to see them up close!!! That day was so much fun. That night we ate at an Ethiopean restaurant and it was different but very good! The next day was our last in Kenya. We spent it in Nairobi with Shane and his family walking around the Nairobi marketplace and experiencing a delicious Indian lunch. The flight back was long but us girls had a lot of fun together. I don't think I've ever laughed that much. We had fun watching all the different characters that were on our flight. :) Anyway, I'd love to go back to Kenya this year but I'm planning on college instead. I'm hoping that someday I'll be able to go back and visit the dear friends we made there. I will most definitely never forget my experience.
Anyway, so if you're wondering how I got time to post this... I got sick with mono over three weeks ago so I have not been able to work or do much of anything. I'm a little concerned about not earning money for college these several weeks but I'm learning (continually) to trust the Lord. He has already shown His faithfulness to me by providing money for me to go to the Worldview Academy Camp this June!!! I'm very excited to go and learn even more than last year and I'm pretty excited about going with best friends from MO too!!! :)
Anyway, I'll sign off for now. Maybe I'll be back to post soon, maybe not. I am hereby a blogger not under any obligation. ;) But if you feel the need to nag anyway, go right ahead. ("Sticks and stones may break my bones..." Lol. You know the rest.)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Africa!!! (Part 2)
Anyway, continuing on...

That afternoon, since we'd forgotten the craft projects we had planned on doing, we ended up just setting up three "stations" around the area. The guys station was balloons, Kimber & Ellen's was face painting, and for Bev's and my station I got to teach an impromptu art class!! I taught them the color wheel letting them mix the colors with the crayons we brought. For some reason, it really hit me that day that they're just like us. I've taught a few art classes over the years, and I realized that teaching kids in Africa was the same. They're just normal kids who love new, exciting things... duh, right? Well, I don't know why, but that hadn't struck me before. Maybe I just always thought that the way a person's culture is, drastically affects him. But the truth is... it doesn't.
The big difference I did see was how appreciative these children were of our activities and time. They don't get candy and balloons and crayons all the time. In fact, they think a handmade milk jug car is a wonderful toy and beans as your one meal for the day is plenty. Imagine if you had grown up like that. Wouldn't you be more hesitant to complain about what you DIDN'T have?That afternoon we also learned two Kenyan worship songs. It was so much fun crowding around with a bunch of the kids singing the beautiful Swahilii words. (The girls behind me in this picture kept reaching over and touching my hair. It was so sweet.)
I think they really appreciated us taking the time to learn something from THEM. So often we expect to only teach while on a mission trip but in reality you always end up learning way more than you bargained for. :)
We went back to the cabin that night and had an awesome time of worship and sharing of testimonies. Afterward, I stayed up talking with two of the ladies from the group til almost 3:00am! I grew really close with all of these women. It's nice that all of them are from my church so now we can continue on in the friendships that began thousands of miles away! We even have a monthly get together planned for the five of us to fellowship, chat, and re-live the memorable experience of Kenya.
Wow. Sunday was such a blast! We got up and prepared to be at the Hope Center at 10:00am sharp for church. Since we were going to be introducing ourselves, and leading a few songs (including the ones we had learned the day before) we couldn't afford to be late. Just putting into effect the good manners we've been raised with, right? Well... we had forgotten we were in Kenya. Apparently it's common knowledge that if church starts at 10:00, you don't start arriving til about 11:00. Sure enough, we didn't actually start the service until about 11:15. Ever seen Lion King? Well, Hakuna Matata is the Kenyan motto. I just like to call them kindred spirits. ;) Nevertheless, church was well worth waiting for. We started out with some hymns (sung in Swahilii of course) and then it was our turn. Rachel and I each shared short testimonies and read a few verses. It was definitely a brand new experience speaking with a translator. I thought it would be very distracting but instead I found it gave me more time to think about what I was going to say next. (As you can see, I'm not the most photogenic person in the world.)

After church (and lunch), we decided to take a hike up one of the mountains nearby.
I'm going to be a softie and go ahead and publish this. Call it my conscience, but I feel bad for making y'all wait so long. For all you naggers out there... I hope you're happy! ;) (I'm in the middle of a day too.)
I'll be back... no really, I will. ;)
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
The Much Waited For... Africa Post!!!!! (Part1)
I left around 4:00pm for Africa with 5 others. My first time out of the country!!!! Our flight schedule was as follows. From Knoxville to Detroit - 2 hrs., from Detroit to Amsterdam - 8 hrs., from Amsterdam to Nairobi, Kenya - 8 hrs.

Thurs. SEPTEMBER 6th

Ephesians 6:10-12
I knew the Lord was reminding me of what this trip was for. We were starting a battle... a battle to win souls for Christ, being prepared with the armor of God to withstand the schemes of the devil.
At 7:30AM all nine of us (a native named Shadoa was driving) and at least that many suitcases loaded up in a van and started the 4 hour drive to Chepemma Hope Center.

**I'm realizing how long this is going to be so I'll just post in sections. Part 2 (and 3, if necessary) coming soon.**
Friday, August 3, 2007
To Post or Not to Post... That is the Question
Anyway, it's late I'm tired and I've had a VERY busy week so beware... Proceed reading at your own risk.
So every night this week I spent in Knoxville teaching at our church's Kamp KidStuf(yes, I did spell that right). Kezzi, Hope, and I all taught a dance "track". We ended up with 12 girls... all very sweet girls... some hilarious girls...and a smallish stage to practice on.
I have found that it is quite interesting trying to "herd" little girls. They tend to stand in clumps squealing, talking, and having way too much fun to want to listen to "teacher"... yes, that's actually what a few of them called me.
"Teacher? Can I tell you a secret?" a 4-5 yr. old Indian girl named Irene asked me at snacktime. She then proceeded to put her mouth right against my ear and whisper one of quietest whispers I've ever heard. The VERY SECRET conversation went something like this:
Irene - "Do you know about buried treasure?"
Me - "No I don't. Do you?"
Irene - "Yes. Shhhh." Whispered story I couldn't hear half of, telling an intricate tale of pirates of old and how they sailed round the world and gradually each one died and no one knew where the treasure was but now she did (for some reason I didn't catch) and wasn't that cool?
Me - "Wow. That's a great story. Where did you hear about this?"
Irene - "Oh... it was in the TV" (notice the uncommon usage of "in") ;)
Me - "Oh ok. That's great."
Irene - Sighing and proceeding to sit in her own seat again, giving my ear back it's personal space, "Yes... the TV can be very helpful"
This same little girl would go around the room we were practicing in, collecting all sorts of odds and ends. At the end of one night I had two handfuls of 'stuff' from her pockets that she had to give back... and I mean worthless stuff like washers, random pieces of plastic, wooden blocks, etc. I don't think I've ever met such an observant kid. I don't think I would have found all that stuff if I'd crawled around on my hands and knees!
There was another 5 yr. old girl who was such a sweetheart but I don't think she said a single word the entire week. Every time I asked her anything, she'd nod and smile shyly and keep going. Funny thing was, she listened the best and knew the dance better than most of the girls double her age.
Needless to say, the week was quite interesting... and a ton of fun. All the girls learned their dance beautifully and performed it tonight (the last night of Kamp) for their parents and families.
I probably have more to write about but I don't know what it is...
Oh yeah, Abel got bit by a snake. He didn't see it... he just reached down into the grass to pick up something. At first they thought it was a bee sting but Mom took him in when she realized there were two fang marks and it was swelling and looking bruised. Anyway, they think it was a baby copperhead. The swelling has gone down now and he's been to the doctor about twice now just to make sure everything's ok. Pretty scary... I hate snakes but not as much as I despise spiders.
And I got my shots for Kenya last week. Total of 6 shots in my arms. The actual shots weren't too bad but I didn't feel too swell the next four days. I'm going back for a couple more in 3 weeks - Polio and second series of Hepatitis B. I'm pretty much fine now just a little soreness in my left arm from (I think it is) the Malaria.
If you happen to have a lot of time on your hands, patience for ignorant people, and a longing to hear some good fatherish come-backs, stop by the Screaming Penguin's blog and check out the comment section.
So this is probably the randomest post I've ever done and the most exhausted I've let myself be while posting.
I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning...
...And eating eggs and toast for breakfast... mmm...yes... I think I will.