Friday, August 3, 2007

To Post or Not to Post... That is the Question

If that's the question what's the answer??? (What a weird quote)
Anyway, it's late I'm tired and I've had a VERY busy week so beware... Proceed reading at your own risk.
So every night this week I spent in Knoxville teaching at our church's Kamp KidStuf(yes, I did spell that right). Kezzi, Hope, and I all taught a dance "track". We ended up with 12 girls... all very sweet girls... some hilarious girls...and a smallish stage to practice on.
I have found that it is quite interesting trying to "herd" little girls. They tend to stand in clumps squealing, talking, and having way too much fun to want to listen to "teacher"... yes, that's actually what a few of them called me.
"Teacher? Can I tell you a secret?" a 4-5 yr. old Indian girl named Irene asked me at snacktime. She then proceeded to put her mouth right against my ear and whisper one of quietest whispers I've ever heard. The VERY SECRET conversation went something like this:
Irene - "Do you know about buried treasure?"
Me - "No I don't. Do you?"
Irene - "Yes. Shhhh." Whispered story I couldn't hear half of, telling an intricate tale of pirates of old and how they sailed round the world and gradually each one died and no one knew where the treasure was but now she did (for some reason I didn't catch) and wasn't that cool?
Me - "Wow. That's a great story. Where did you hear about this?"
Irene - "Oh... it was in the TV" (notice the uncommon usage of "in") ;)
Me - "Oh ok. That's great."
Irene - Sighing and proceeding to sit in her own seat again, giving my ear back it's personal space, "Yes... the TV can be very helpful"
This same little girl would go around the room we were practicing in, collecting all sorts of odds and ends. At the end of one night I had two handfuls of 'stuff' from her pockets that she had to give back... and I mean worthless stuff like washers, random pieces of plastic, wooden blocks, etc. I don't think I've ever met such an observant kid. I don't think I would have found all that stuff if I'd crawled around on my hands and knees!
There was another 5 yr. old girl who was such a sweetheart but I don't think she said a single word the entire week. Every time I asked her anything, she'd nod and smile shyly and keep going. Funny thing was, she listened the best and knew the dance better than most of the girls double her age.
Needless to say, the week was quite interesting... and a ton of fun. All the girls learned their dance beautifully and performed it tonight (the last night of Kamp) for their parents and families.
I probably have more to write about but I don't know what it is...
Oh yeah, Abel got bit by a snake. He didn't see it... he just reached down into the grass to pick up something. At first they thought it was a bee sting but Mom took him in when she realized there were two fang marks and it was swelling and looking bruised. Anyway, they think it was a baby copperhead. The swelling has gone down now and he's been to the doctor about twice now just to make sure everything's ok. Pretty scary... I hate snakes but not as much as I despise spiders.
And I got my shots for Kenya last week. Total of 6 shots in my arms. The actual shots weren't too bad but I didn't feel too swell the next four days. I'm going back for a couple more in 3 weeks - Polio and second series of Hepatitis B. I'm pretty much fine now just a little soreness in my left arm from (I think it is) the Malaria.
If you happen to have a lot of time on your hands, patience for ignorant people, and a longing to hear some good fatherish come-backs, stop by the Screaming Penguin's blog and check out the comment section.
So this is probably the randomest post I've ever done and the most exhausted I've let myself be while posting.
I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning...
...And eating eggs and toast for breakfast... mmm...yes... I think I will.


Beck's Bounty said...

Cherub 5 asked if you had any "Care Bear" fans in your class ?? And she said she loves you - which is quite a strong sentiment for her to utter aloud. HA !

You Know Who

Anonymous said...

Most random, not randomish.
Sorry, couldn't resist! :)

zach caddy said...

This is gonna be one of those longish nerdy comments
I just love it when little kids whipsper and chew and smack and breathe peanut butter on you face for the sake of secrecy.
"Total of 6 shots in my arms. The actual shots weren't too bad but I didn't feel too swell the next four days"
Feel to swell!
I love unintentional puns! Swell.... you get it, right? B/c if you don't, you're not my friend anymore.
I also love it when people link me on their blogs. Thnx.

zach caddy said...

Oh, and olivia got your book for her bday yesterday, and really likes it. She was like, "And look, the pictures are SO good, and she even signed it! *squeal*"

Priscilla said...

Thank you so much for your friendly correction... I'll have to remember that next time I'm up past midnight (yes, the time is wrong at the bottom of the post) barely keeping my eyes open, trying to keep my thoughts together and not freak out any readers, and writing the RANDOMEST stuff EVER!!! Wait... what was it you wanted me to fix again?? :P Thanks again. ;)

Chelsie's Blog said...

hey pricilla i donot know if you remember me or not but i am melanie daughter chelsie i like you blog see you wednesday!

Chelsie's Blog said...

I was in track idesign
hope to see you soon!
love ya ,

Anonymous said...

I heared about the pirate treasure thingy on the radio!
About abel's snake bite, I don't think it was a baby copperhead, because... baby copperheads cannot control how much venom thay release in a bite. So it would have released all it's venom. And we know what that would have meant for Abel, he would have been hit harder than swelling alone. more like loss of eyesight!

Lisa said...

that one guy,

Actually that's not what we have found out - according to the doctors and this man's testimony here:

We have learned that copperheads are not as dangerous as supposed. Besides that, Abel's bite had only one deeper puncture and the other was barely a scratch.

Anonymous said...

Very random, yes, it just keeps up my mom's idea that we're generation random. That's an joke b/c I recently read a book by Erynn Mangum called "MissMatch" which is kinda a modern "Emma". You need to read it!
Just thought I'd pass the word along.